-10% discount
Csatlakozz a Coachok Trénerek I. Tiszántúli Találkozójának Közösségéhez, és igényeld az űrlapon a -10% kedvezményre jogosító kuponkódodat! Találkozzunk 2023. Szeptember 23-án Debrecenben!
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Claim the -10% coupon code from the ticket price of the 1st Tiszántúl Meeting of Coaches for Trainers, fill out the form >>
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You can enter the coupon code received by e-mail in the coupon code field on the www.coachtrenertalalkozo.hu website after clicking the "Ticket purchase" and then the "Payment" buttons, after which 10% of the ticket price will be deducted at the checkout. This is the closed CTT Community
you also become a member, where you can build valuable relationships with the event's expert and corporate participants and speakers even after the Meeting.