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I. Tiszántúl Meeting

Coaches, trainers

September 23, 2023, 10:00-18:30
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Such was the CTT I. Meeting...

Flip through the photo album of the milestone professional day realized with the gold degree sponsorship of the University of Debrecen and listen to the interview with us on Campus Rádio

The archive page
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Who is it for and why should you come?
The mission
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Follow the events on social media and share the news with others, thank you!

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2022 szeptemberében úgy láttuk, itt az összefogás ideje, hogy társainkkal, támogatóinkkal együtt új szintre emeljük Tiszántúlon a coach és tréner szakma megértettségét, megbecsültségét és népszerűségét.

A CTT Találkozón több mint NEGYEDMILLIÓ FORINT ÉRTÉKŰ nemzetközi színvonalú képzést, szakmai újdonságokat és a rendezvényen túlmutató szakértői közösségi összefogást hozunk Nektek! Ráadásul az értékes szakmai ajándékarzenált rejtő szerencsekerékkel és tombolával visszanyerheted akár a belépőjegyed árát is! Nincs kockázat, hiszen aki játszik, mindenki nyerni fog.

Ezen felül találkozhattok a régiónk azon cégeinek HR-eseivel és ügyvezetőivel, akik coachok, trénerek segítségével fejlesztik a csapatukat, vagy tervezik ezt a közeljövőben.

Giving a Speech
Fresh practical...

... you want knowledge, because you can take the essence of the most innovative coaching and training knowledge in 1 day

Gazing at City Skyline

... you want to be a coach or trainer in Hungary today , because the region's companies employing coaches and trainers will also be here


Szakmai énedet...

...would you like to revive and reinvigorate yourself in training and coaching, because 150 successful coaches and trainer communities will inspire you


To recharge,...

...really classy

you want an experience

In the most elegant event hall of Debrecen's main square, accompanied by a buffet lunch and coffee break with pastries


The organizing team

Koncz Edit és Szabó Valéria
Csoknyay László
Szabó Valéria és Koncz Edit
CTT Szervezői csapat 2
CTT Szervezői csapat 1

Valéria Szabó is an expert business developer and marketing trainer, mentor, founder of Coach Marketing School. He is committed to supporting the expert profession, including the coaches and trainers of his own region. The dreamer and main organizer of CTT

Edit Koncz is a coach, kinesiologist, owner and manager of the Minerva Education and Recreation Center in Debrecen. He empathetically and creatively uses his wide-ranging expertise for the benefit of the community. CTT chief organizer.

His motto: "anything worth having is worth sharing."

László Csoknyay   Vice President of the Association of Hungarian Coach Organizations, Vice President of ECA Hungary, Master Coach, Trainer. Proactive, dynamic individual, a man of solutions, CTT co-organizer

Dr. Krisztina Dajnoki (2).jpg

Prof. Dr. Krisztina Dajnoki Gold Degree sponsor of the Meeting, CTT coordinator of the University of Debrecen. Dynamic, dynamic, open personality, careful organizer. He is an excellent teaching professor at the University, Director of the Department of Management and Organizational Sciences.

Supporters of CTT

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Beata is free
Kiket várunk?

Who are we expecting at the CTT?

Which group do you belong to? Look for your icon in the program!

A Találkozó programja


By clicking on the arrows under the program descriptions, you will find the video introductions of the speakers.

10:00 - 10:25



Centrum Event Hall, Debrecen Kálvin tér 4. 1st floor

A nagy terem bejáratánál szeretettel várunk, ahol a csíptetős névtáblát is megkapod, aminek a nap folyamán több funkciója is lesz :-)

10:30 - 10:40


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Valéria Szabó is a marketing and business development trainer, mentor and Edit Koncz is a coach and kinesiologist

The main organizers of the CTT will open the Meeting and guide you through the colorful whirlwind of the day.

Réka Szirtesi - Nagy , the president of the Tréneri Training Camp Association, will give us the momentum of CTT with an interactive start-of-the-day exercise, mobile phone to hand!

During the morning, visual process assistant Krisztina Halmai will live illustrate the points of view and ideas formulated during the presentations and the round table discussion.

10:40 - 11:10


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Bagdiné Erika Fodor

Company and business development expert, trainer, consultant, coach

Do I need this? Coaches, trainers, take care! - or what makes a leader roll in?

Since I have sat on both sides, in both the management and development chairs, I will show you the situation of the profession from a bilateral perspective...

11:10 - 11:40



Dr. Péter Bodó

ECA Training Master Coach, Structogram Master Trainer, International management trainer


Systems-based coaching in practice

"The future is not the same anymore".

What are the effects of today's changing changes on the coaching profession?

And what solutions does system-based coaching offer for navigating and managing complex situations?

11:50 - 12:30


White Meeting Room

Interactive discussion of outstanding experts in the coaching profession.

What does quality grow from? Or...

Graduation vs. experience

The eternal question will be shed light on from several points of view, the round table discussion promises to be a really exciting exchange of points of view.

Meal in One Plate

12:30 - 1:30 p.m

Lunch buffet
Great hall
Civil hall
Phoenix Hall
Minerva Center
Batthyány u. 5.

13:30 - 14:15



Dr. Péter Bodó

Brain dominances


Thinking and emotional impulses and reactions become understandable and measurable .