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The best moments of the culTUNEration conference


cul TUNE ration

An innovative, ESG-compatible collaboration where we coordinate people from different generations and cultures in a corporate environment. Stay with us!

TUNE Community

student pre-registration

Check-in 2 the future

A konferencia szervezői

Vali's profile picture.jpg

Valeria Szabó

culTUNEration founder, main organizer. marketing and business development mentor, trainer

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Andrea Kökényesi-Nagy

Parrish & Crawler International, Head of L&D, OD | Master Trainer & Coach

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Andrea Lerf

developer of generational cooperation, organizational developer, coach, trainer of the year 2023

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Zsófia Rácz

Event manager, marketing communication expert


dr. habile Szilvia Szabó PhD.

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Master's degree in HR consulting, Budapest Metropolitan University

culTUNEration co-organizer

Ask the
TUNE Magazine!

TUNE. magazine tablet.png

Free, practical advice for company leaders, HR specialists, managers from the world of organizational development in your mailbox every Friday from the country's best experts:

Our partners

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culTUNE ration timeline










2024 01 - 05 month

22 05 2024

from 05/22/2024

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Gen X Café
Gen X Café
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Kultúrák Éjszakája
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Generációk Éjszakája
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Mi a culTUNEration?

What is cul TUNE ration?

In the cul TUNE ration initiative, we coordinate people from different cultures and generations in a corporate environment.

The construction of communication bridges in the life of our companies cannot wait any longer. The future potential of our country's economy is at stake. And the cul TUNE ration is our unfolding reality.

Cul TUNE ration is much more than a one-day conference. With the help of the several-month podcast series leading up to the conference, and with the help of the TUNE Community, which starts on the spot, we coordinate the company's challenges with the service-expert actors and the new generations even after the conference.

Until now, we have felt the growing tension between colleagues of different nationalities and age groups. This is why the ESG Act was created. At the cul TUNE ration conference, we show thousands of solutions for effective coordination! There is nothing left to do but the "Hungarian haiku". Do you see how well intercultural creativity is already working ?

Your place among us

buy your ticket! :-)

Grid Pattern

The Conference

1 day

200+ guests

21 speakers

14 cultures



  • leaders, managers, HR managers of LARGE COMPANIES
    Hungarian and international large companies are the first to face the towering multicultural and generational difficulties. We provide you with state-of-the-art competence development, a team of consultants and a supportive master mind community.

  • Managers, managers and HR managers of MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES
    The age groups of medium-sized enterprises with more than 40 employees encounter seemingly insoluble dilemmas during joint work. It is imperative that you start incorporating modern organization development methods for your future capabilities. culTUNEration is a great opportunity to get information from an authentic source.

  • DEVELOPMENT PROFESSIONALS:   coaches, trainers, organizational developers, consultants, psychologists
    Those who develop solutions for building intercultural and generational bridges. By using your expertise, companies get experience, skills and working solutions to improve productivity, increase profits, and stimulate the economy. Show your expertise at the conference and in the TUNE Community, which is an online collaboration and training platform for organizational development.

  • CONTRACTORS: labor hire and headhunting companies, advertising and marketing agencies
    When it comes to the implementation of corporate communication, PR, employer brand and recruitment, quick and effective support of the implementing specialists is essential. Become a participant and exhibitor at the conference and benefit from on-site marketing.

  • AMBITIOUS YOUNG PEOPLE AND SENIORS: Hungarian and foreign university students, career starters and experienced employees
    ... Like the subjects of our topic. As young people and seniors connected to the culTUNEration initiative, proactively building their own careers, you create a pre-filtered, high-quality mini labor market for the participating companies. We create the space for meeting at the conference and in the TUNE Community.

The creator and main organizer of the concept and initiative is Valéria Szabó, expert marketing and business development mentor, trainer, dreamer and main organizer of the 1st Tiszántúli meeting of Coaches Trainers.





Arrive early, register and acclimatize


K302: round building, large auditorium on the 2nd floor

culTUNEration opening

> Valéria Szabó (culTUNEration founder, Expert marketing and business development mentor, trainer)

> László Podhorányi (Deputy CEO, Budapest Metropolitan University)

Ethnosound - tune in to the sun


K302: round building, large auditorium on the 2nd floor

Generation commando

Interactive corporate drop-in scenes with lessons learned

> Dr. Klára András (Egis Group, HR and Communications Director)

> Andrea Lerf ( developer of generational cooperation, organizational developer, coach, trainer of the year 2023 )

> Andrea Kökényesi-Nagy (Parrish & Crawler International, Head of L&D, OD | Master Trainer & Coach)


K302: round building, large auditorium on the 2nd floor

Diversity as a competitive advantage

Dr. György Bőgel (CEU Business School, Professor of Management Sciences)


K001: circular building, large speaker in the basement

Check in 2 the future

Gyöngyvér Kiss (founder-executive director of Civil Impact, for the revolution of civil-corporate relations)

10:10 - 10:40

K302: round building, large auditorium on the 2nd floor

Intercultural podium

Multicultural or multicultural? How to win with diversity and multigenerational fine-tuning?

> László Kiss (HelloPay Zrt & Cup Revolution Kft. Board member, business development and sales director) moderator

> Helga Kaszás (METRO Hungary, People and Culture Director)

> Ákos Sándor (Executive HR Advisor for Change Management and Strategy)

> Dr. habil. Éva Pintér (Associate Professor, Budapest Corvinus University, Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Deputy Head of Institute)


K001: circular building, large speaker in the basement

Ah yes, generational mediation!

dr. Ildikó Murányi (Conflict expert, mediator, founder of the National Mediator Office)




K302: round building, large auditorium on the 2nd floor

10-minute opening performance - Tamás Bárány

Good practices, Generations podium

> Moderator Tamás Bárány (MOL Group, Head of Group Recruitment) moderator

> Natália Ujcz-Takács (Grundfos, Head of Country HR & Plant HR Support)

> Krisztina Molnár (ROAR, Unit Manager)

> Áron Szekeres (BMW Group head of HR marketing and recruitment)

> Balázs Fertig (MBH Bank, Director of Recruitment and Onboarding)

> Emma Papp (4iG Group, HR Recruitment Manager)


K001: circular building, large speaker in the basement

11:00 - 11:20

What will the intercultural SME companies of the future look like?

Stories and good practices first-hand, from abroad

Oktávián Hullai (CEO of Positive Rate International Kft., Leadership Development Trainer and Coach)

11:20 - 11:50

One Step Up - Intercultural workshop

Gabriella Héthy-Szommer (intercultural trainer, YFU president)

11:50 - 12:10

K302: round building, large auditorium on the 2nd floor

Generations - Development - Misconceptions

> Andrea Kökényesi-Nagy (Parrish & Crawler International, Head of L&D, OD | Master Trainer & Coach)

> Gergely Koltányi (Nitrolearning Zrt., Head of Learning Experience Design)


K001: circular building, large speaker in the basement

From Turbulence to Success Story - An exciting journey in the world of leadership and interculturality

> Nóra Róbert (HR expert, trainer, coach, lecturer at Budapest University of Economics)

> Krisztina Bacsi (Learning & development coach, trainer Hungarian Tourism Academy)


K302: round building, large auditorium on the 2nd floor

Coordination of universities and companies in training

> dr. habile Moderator Szilvia Szabó (head of HR consultancy master's course)

> Katalin Balázs (assistant professor, University of Debrecen)

> Anita Hetrovicsné Kovács (HR manager Neopac)

> Dr. Zsolt Király (HR and Brand Director, euJobs HRGroup)


K001: circular building, large speaker in the basement

Senior employees as mentors in the corporate environment

Emese Farkas (executive director, Volunteer Center Foundation)

12:30 - 1:15 p.m


13:15 - 13:40

K302: round building, large auditorium on the 2nd floor

culTUNEration United

Surprise program

An energetic start to the afternoon

13:40 - 14:00

K302: körépület, 2. emeleti nagy előadó

Kollabok generációk között

avagy mi hajtja meg a sikeres új generációs

Trunk Tamás (újgenerációs-márka szakértő, DABLTY)

14:00 - 14:20

K302: round building, large auditorium on the 2nd floor

Check in 2 the future

or how to approach the expectations of workplaces and generation Z employees

Civil Impact research

Gyöngyvér Kiss (founder-executive director of Civil Impact, for the revolution of civil-corporate relations)


K001: circular building, large speaker in the basement

Self-improvement in blue collar: win-win. Both the employee and the company win

dr. Ákos Zsuffa (CEO, PractiWork partner, Head of Learning Innovation, President of the Association of Professional Trainers)

14:20 - 14:40

K302: round building, large auditorium on the 2nd floor

Z generation solutions - from Z generations

> Zsuzsanna Werner-Tóth, moderator (burnout and overload specialist)

> Réka Ocskó ( IT-BA employee, Stadler Szolnok Kft.)

> Petra Vinkler (university student with a MNB Excellence Scholarship, founder of the Pénzgyek Fiatalokunk blog)
> Benedek Szilágyi (COO operational manager, Voovo)


K001: circular building, large speaker in the basement

Don't just think, feel! - Generations up close

> Andrea Lerf ( Generational cooperation developer

organizational developer, coach, trainer of the year 2023 )

> Mónika Kosári (trainer, instructor, coach, organization and system set-up)

14:40 - 15:00

K302: round building, large auditorium on the 2nd floor

Diverse teams - Multicultural in selection

> Balázs Izsó (PROHUMAN, operations director) Moderator

> Tímea Horváth Varjuné (MENTON Jobs, Strategic Network Specialist)

> Maria Kozlovskaya (Business and Life Coach, Intercultural communication, skills developer and youth trainer)

> Katalin Gyarmati (Nissin Foods, HR Manager)


K001: circular building, large speaker in the basement

Don't just think, feel! - Generations up close

> Andrea Lerf ( Generational cooperation developer

organizational developer, coach, trainer of the year 2023 )

> Mónika Kosári (trainer, instructor, coach, organization and system set-up)

15:00 - 15:20


15:20 - 15:40

K302: round building, large auditorium on the 2nd floor

Generations and burnout

dr. Júlia Füredi (organizational psychologist, sparq tech)


K001: circular building, large speaker in the basement

"We'll solve it smartly" - an intercultural solution formula

Zita Friedewald and Anna Endrődi (Cultural Perspectives Intercultural experts)

15:40 - 16:00

K302: round building, large auditorium on the 2nd floor

Is freedom possible in an intercultural company culture?

> Traci Fenton video message (WorldBlu, Leadership + Culture Expert, CEO)

> Nikolett Forray (Balloon World Hungary, CEO)


K001: circular building, large speaker in the basement

As a foreigner in Hungary.

Advice for future company leaders

> Jason Colwell video message (President - Prestone Products)

> Anikó Rácz (Coach, business trainer, Qualified Facilitator®)

16:00 - 16:20

K302: round building, large auditorium on the 2nd floor

Generations and multiculturalism in the light of ESG

Elek Zsuzsanna (Credit Management Group, Senior ESG & Sustainability Consultant)


K001: circular building, large speaker in the basement

Trapped in our truth - The impact of the way of thinking is generational and cultural differences
in case of

> Dóra Kocsis (organization developer, master Arbinger trainer, coach, psychologist)

> Krisztina Török (organizational developer, certified Arbinger trainer)

16:20 - 16:40

K302: round building, large auditorium on the 2nd floor

The country's first intercultural school cooperative research is making its debut

Fürge Diák School Association

16:40 - 17:00

K302: circular building, large auditorium on the 2nd floor

Onboarding tailored to Generation Z: success is key!

Enikő Bereczki (Generation Dilemmas, Intergenerational expert, researcher and company trainer)

17:00 - 17:05

K302: round building, large auditorium on the 2nd floor

Closing, goodbye


Tickets here

culTUNEration Conference
culTUNEration Conference
Prepare your bank card to buy tickets! You can request a fee requester for a transfer by entering your billing information at the e-mail address
22 May 2024, 09:00 – 17:00
Metropolitan University,
Budapest, Nagy Lajos útja 1-9, 1148 Hungary
Melyik jegytípus tetszik leginkább?

©2022 Szabó Valéria

közvetlen email: cultuneration(kukac)

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