culTUNEration = TUNE the cultures and generations
"Hangoljuk össze a különböző kultúrákhoz és generációkhoz tartozó embereket vállalati közegben!"
Ismerd meg a küldetésünket 80 mp alatt:
And you are in it too!

I say that in 2009 the machine belt got caught. Since then, I have been working on business development and marketing every weekday.
I am a person who creates value and then became an entrepreneur, who is a designer, web developer, marketer, salesperson and copywriter in one person... According to the diagnosis, I am in flow :-) For 10 years, I brought companies up to 4 times the income in one year as a one-person marketing department. And here it was business development at its best. Little by little, this upward spiral outgrew me,
...so today I have a dream.
The new dream is about a successful circle of business friends who can enjoy life no matter what the circumstances, because they are more and more successful both in their work and in their private lives, since they are in flow.
I believe that the Hungarian mind has always been Hungarian, and this brilliant mind is still available to proactive people who do not want to drift with the tide, but want to initiate and ride their own current.
I can start this flow and carry it through with you too, if you are into it. Shall we talk about it?
Nézd meg a culTUNEration podcast csatorna 20 perces alapító adását:
Vállalati interkulturalitásról, generációkrók és cégkultúráról beszélgetek a témák érintettjeivel, blogot írok, konferenciákat és Business Cafékat szervezek. Tarts velünk! Kellemes és hasznos időtöltést kívánok itt a honlapon, és élőben a következő találkozón! Keress meg és váltsunk pár szót, hogyan segíthet Neked a culTUNEration Movement!
Valeria Szabo
"A robotok elveszik a munkánkat?" AI Café Debrecen

"A robotok elveszik a munkánkat?" AI Café Debrecen

Z generációs tévhitek | Nagy Anita

Cynefin, avagy problémák a dobozban | Csillag Zoltán
5-part expert marketing workshop series for trainers, coaches, consultants.
Why would you pay hundreds of thousands to marketing contractors, if in the same amount of time you can create your own customer acquisition marketing system without horrendous expenses?

Your marketing texts written with expert dignity, customer love, and real empathy will be read with joy and nodding by your future clients, and they will already be looking for the contact page on your website. Sounds good, right?
June 6, 2023, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m
Minerva Center Debrecen
Batthyány u. 5. or ONLINE!!

IKIGAI WORKSHOP at the Coach Marketing Café!
This is what the Japanese call the "meaning of life". It is believed that finding it is the personal task of each person, and that we must persevere in the search for it, even for a lifetime, until we find it.
February 27, 2023, 9:00-11:00
Online / Offline / Playback

The latest expert marketing trends of the year 2023 and Debrecen's best homemade pastry cakes will be on the table! My presentation starts at 15:20 in 50 minutes, but I look forward to seeing you for the entire New Year's Day!
February 18, 2023, 3:15-4:00 p.m
Miner and Center Debrecen
Batthyány u. 5.

We start from scratch, if someone doesn't know how to get started in customer acquisition, and we raise the common knowledge level to the point of how to market professionally, if they want to be full-time coaches who...
November 19, 2022, 10:00-11:00
Faculty of Technology, University of Debrecen
Ótemető Street 3.