July 23, 2024, 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m
Let's coordinate people from different nationalities in a corporate environment
Stay with us!
Get to know us by clicking on our photos, and let's meet in person on the new rooftop terrace of the Radisson Hotel!

WORLD CAFÉ | max. 30 people
We are waiting for you with our guest, Barbara Vörösné Fülöp, the training development manager of T-Systems International's 28,000 employees, at the interactive, fun world café with cozy background music, snack dips, and soft cocktails.
Moderator: Andrea Molnár
Young generations are entering the labor market with more and more intercultural experiences and work experience under their belts, so it is time to deal with these two topics on the same page.
Let's tune people from different cultures and generations in a corporate environment: TUNE the cultures and generations. This mission is expressed in the name of our association: culTUNEration.
On May 22nd, we organized Hungary's first intercultural and generational corporate conference at Budapest Metropolitan University, which exceeded our expectations in terms of support, success and number of people.
Since this fresh and still unprocessed topic cannot be solved in 1 day, on the day of the conference we launched the TUNE Community, which is the first and only organizational development training and collaboration platform.
The first meeting of the TUNE Organizational Development Community on June 27, 2024 was the Night of Generations , the topic of which is what generation Z and those who have been young for a long time would need from a company for happy and long-term cooperation.
Summary of generation and youth expert Enikő Bereczki.
At our second meeting, the Night of Cultures, we are waiting for you with an exciting, interactive world café in the rooftop bar of the Radisson Hotel Budapest!
Consumption is at your own expense, we encourage you to try a soft drink and a snack on Budapest's newest rooftop bar terrace!
The Hotel is cashless, you can only pay by card.
Click for the menu and ticket types:

17:00 - 17:30
Érkezés, regisztráció
17:30 - 18:00
Vendégünkkel, Vörösné Fülöp Barbarával (Learning & Development Lead - Global Learning Solutions), a T-Systems International 28.000 dolgozó képzésfejlesztési felelősével Molnár Andrea (Senior HR for Strategic Projects) beszélget
18:00 - 18:20
Szünet és koktélok
18:20 - 20.00
Interaktív interkulturális world café. Moderátor: Molnár Andrea
20:00 - 21:00
Kötetlen networking, falatozás

Where do we meet?

Social platforms

Cynefin, avagy problémák a dobozban | Csillag Zoltán

Villáminterjúk a culTUNEration Kelet-Magyarország 2024 résztvevőivel